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The Tria Personal Laser Hair Removal System

Article-The Tria Personal Laser Hair Removal System

THE TRIA PERSONAL LASER HAIR REMOVAL SYSTEM, from TRIA Beauty, uses the same technology dermatologists use to remove hair. Invented by the same person who created the earliest in-office hair removal lasers, the TRIA is safe and approved by the FDA for at-home use. The TRIA puts out about half the energy of a professional laser, has three energy levels and targets multiple hair follicles at a time.

TREATMENT REGIMEN: Six to eight treatments per month to treat an entire cycle of hair growth.

RESULTS: About 60% less hair in about four months' time; occasional spot treatment may be needed.

MANUFACTURER WARNING: The TRIA is not for everyone. It does not work on grey, red or lighter hair shades. Darker skin can be damaged by the laser. Nor is it completely painless; some describe it as feeling like static electricity.

COST: $995
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