Managing Urinary Incontinence with Aesthetic and Regenerative TreatmentsManaging Urinary Incontinence with Aesthetic and Regenerative Treatments
Sponsored by Zimmer MedizinSystems
Urinary incontinence (UI) can greatly impact a patient’s quality of life. Because of this, more aesthetic physicians are offering regenerative treatments to help manage this indication. PF TonerPro by Zimmer MedizinSystems (Irvine, Calif.) utilizes electromagnetic field energy to deliver a quick and painless non-invasive treatment option for UI patients.
June 12, 2024

Sponsored by Zimmer MedizinSystems
Urinary incontinence (UI) can greatly impact a patient’s quality of life. Because of this, more aesthetic physicians are offering regenerative treatments to help manage this indication. PF TonerPro by Zimmer MedizinSystems (Irvine, Calif.) utilizes electromagnetic field energy to deliver a quick and painless non-invasive treatment option for UI patients.
“The PF TonerPro can perform both static and dynamic therapy using electromagnetic energy to cause intense and deep contractions of the pelvic fl oor muscles,” reported Ernesto
Delgado-Cidranes, MD, PhD, a neuroanesthesiologist in Madrid, Spain. “Magnetic stimulation induces thousands of pelvic floor muscle contractions that are highly e ective in muscle re-education and improving intimate well-being. The various muscular planes benefi t with improvement and regulation of neural, muscular, fascial, vascular, and even at the integumentary level.”
PF TonerPro is FDA cleared for the treatment of UI with both preset and customized programs that can be done in sessions of 20 to 30 minutes each. This non-invasive treatment requires minimal monitoring, while the patient remains fully clothed. Unique to PF TonerPro is its ability to perform dynamic treatment by removing the applicator from the chair or cushion, to strengthen other muscle groups affecting UI.
In a recent study conducted by Dr. Delgado-Cidranes, results showed PF TonerPro was 97% effective in treating UI. “I am the director of an Advanced Unit for Pelvic Floor Treatment in Madrid that treats a high prevalence of patients with different types of incontinence,” he shared. “I wanted to carry out a serious study to evaluate, with sophisticated diagnostic means, the evolution during and after treatment with PF TonerPro.
“Shear wave elastography was used to evaluate these cases, including the degree of elasticity and deformation of the tissue,” Dr. Delgado-Cidranes continued. “We can evaluate the e ectiveness of the treatment by measuring the muscle state using kilopascals, the degree of hardness and the speed of the ultrasound through the
muscle in meters per second. These measurements give us mathematical and graphic security in the diagnostic and evolutionary aspect because we can do it in real time and dynamically. The results showed 97% effectiveness in muscle strength and the degree of satisfaction is very high.”
Michaela Wolf is director of the educational academy in Neu-Ulm, Germany, for Zimmer MedizinSysteme, and is responsible for the training and education in the aesthetics division. “Practitioners often face challenges when learning to use new aesthetic devices,” noted Ms. Wolf. “However, this is not the case with PF TonerPro. Most providers already have an idea which patients will benefit from the device. Along with the appropriate device settings, it is important for providers to understand and utilize the correct position on the chair to target the pelvic floor musculature, with follow up to monitor and maintain the result of a stronger pelvic fl oor musculature.
“It is a very pleasant treatment, which gives the patient confi dence and comfort. Impressive for me is the high outcome and the satisfaction of our patients without any side effects,” Ms. Wolf added. With a sensible return on investment (ROI) and no consumables, PF TonerPro enables providers to help more patients improve their quality of life while establishing a new revenue stream.