Key Points
Though generally considered safer than traditional surgery, cosmetic surgery involves risk, and a multitude of things can go wrong during and after a given procedure. Careful patient selection, an effective informed consent process, meticulous perioperative patient screening and a good dose of surgical and treatment conservatism are all important steps in preventing adverse events from occurring. Apart from achieving a good aesthetic outcome, the main goal in elective cosmetic surgery is to ensure patient safety and minimize risks. The sober balance between maximizing aesthetic outcomes, risk assessment, patient expectations and physician expertise limitations can be a fine line to walk. "Fortunately, significant adverse events are exceedingly rare in cosmetic surgery because of the nature of cosmetic surgery and the lesser degree of invasiveness. Furthermore, patients are ASA I or II, meaning they are essentially healthy, and therefore we don't usually expect health-related issues to be major factors," Dr. McMenamin says. LIPOSUCTION OUTCOMES Liposuction is the most commonly performed outpatient cosmetic surgery procedure. Barring major complications, many of the adverse events encountered with this procedure are correctable. If the surgeon does not remove enough fat from the target area, for example, he or she can always go back and make minor adjustments to achieve a potentially better cosmetic outcome. If a liposuction procedure is performed too aggressively and too much fat is taken out, skin texture changes and other suboptimal aesthetic outcomes can result. "We all want to make our patients extremely happy. However, it is wise to be more prudent and more conservative when performing cosmetic surgery, for the safety of the patient. For the most part, physicians stay within the confines of their surgical limitations, and it is usually a constellation of events and circumstances that lead to unexpected sequelae," Dr. McMenamin says. Abdominoplasty is more invasive than liposuction and involves cutting and lifting a flap, which potentially carries the risk of losing skin from compromised blood supply and may result in flap necrosis. One of the most serious complications associated with abdominoplasty is thromboembolus. Therefore, patients need to ambulate early and may need to receive anticoagulant medications. A major contributory factor to the compromise of flap surgery is smoking. Nicotine is a potent vasoconstrictor and smokers undergoing flap surgery have a 1,200 percent higher complication rate compared to nonsmokers. It is of paramount importance that patients cease smoking before the flap surgery is performed, as this increases the chance of flap viability. |