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"The Lombardi Rules"

Article-"The Lombardi Rules"

26 Lessons from Vince Lombardi, the World's Greatest Coach

1: Ask yourself tough questions.

2: Look the truth straight on.

3: Play to your strengths.

4: Write your character.

5: Think big picture.

6: Be committed.

7: Work harder than everybody else.

8: Be prepared to sacrifice.

9: Be mentally tough.

10: Balance humility and pride.

11: Lead with integrity.

12: Build team spirit.

13: Explain why.

14: Strike the balance.

15: Build confidence.

16: Use your mission.

17: Know your stuff.

18: Demand autonomy.

19: Respect legitimate authority.

20: Act; don’t react.

21: Keep it simple.

22: Chase perfection.

23: Tailor your motivation.

24: Motivate by degrees.

25: Focus on Fundamentals.

26: Run to win.

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