Mercury found in certain skin-whitening creamsMercury found in certain skin-whitening creams
Chicago — The Chicago Tribune reports that some skin-whitening creams contain toxic levels of mercury.
June 9, 2010

Chicago — The Chicago Tribune reports that some skin-whitening creams contain toxic levels of mercury.
According to the news-broadcast transcript appearing on the Web site of Chicago’s WGN, the Tribune sent 50 skin-lightening creams to a lab for testing. Most were purchased in Chicago-area stores. The lab found that six creams contained amounts of mercury banned by federal law since 1990.
The six creams — Stillman’s Skin Bleach Cream, Top-Gel MCA Extra Pearl Cream, Crème Diana, Ling Ji Su, Luluajina, and Shabright Clear and Bright Formula — are manufactured in Lebanon, China, India, Pakistan and Taiwan, according to the Tribune. Some of the manufacturers said the products tested were counterfeit.