A Captique Q & A with Dr. Leslie BaumannA Captique Q & A with Dr. Leslie Baumann
It is stiffer than Hylaform (Inamed) and softer than Restylane (Q-Med Laboratories). It's stiff enough to inject the vermilion border, but soft enough to do the body of the lips.
October 21, 2005
Q. How does Captique (Inamed) fit into the mix of fillers?
It is stiffer than Hylaform (Inamed) and softer than Restylane (Q-Med Laboratories). It's stiff enough to inject the vermilion border, but soft enough to do the body of the lips.
Q. What are tips for best results?
I like to use Cosmoplast (Inamed) first, and then follow with Captique in the same plane. I also sometimes use Sculptra (Sanofi-Aventis/Dermik) first all over the face, and then I follow with Captique.
I mix the Sculptra with lidocaine and epinephrine, for less pain and bruising.
Q. Which fillers do you recommend for which areas of the face?
Moderate to deep lines, vermilion border: Captique
Body of lips: Hylaform
Smoker's lines: Captique or Hylaform
Acne scars: Restylane
Corner of mouth, vermilion border: Cosmoplast
Moderate to deep lines: first CosmoPlast and then an HA.
I usually do this: Sculptra all over, followed by Cosmoplast to the corners of mouth, deep wrinkles and vermilion. Then Captique or Hylaform to the body of the lips and into the deep lines in the same place that you put CosmoPlast.
Q. What are possible complications?
With hyaluronic acid, bruising. I never use any of these in the glabella; there is too much of a risk for necrosis. I use CosmoDerm 2 (Inamed) in the glabella.