Magnetic Field Therapy for the Treatment of IncontinenceMagnetic Field Therapy for the Treatment of Incontinence
Sponsored by Zimmer MedizinSystems
High-energy electromagnetic fields therapy is a technology that may be used to treat functional disorders of the urinary tract. During treatment, a pulsating magnetic field is generated that penetrates into the pelvic floor to activate nerves and stimulate muscle contractions.
April 10, 2024

Sponsored by Zimmer MedizinSystems
Cindy J. Papp | Apr 10, 2024
High-energy electromagnetic fields therapy is a technology that may be used to treat functional disorders of the urinary tract. During treatment, a pulsating magnetic field is generated that penetrates into the pelvic floor to activate nerves and stimulate muscle contractions. Now launching in the U.S., PF TonerPro by Zimmer MedizinSystems (Irvine, Calif.), is a device that enables physicians to offer passive pelvic floor therapy to treat stress and urge urinary incontinence.
Incontinence affects more than 25 million adults with symptoms that may include urine leakage when coughing, exercising and other jarring activities. Electromagnetic fields are known to penetrate cells and tissues to activate electrochemistry, resulting in improved cell and cell membrane function. Magnetic Field Therapy for the Treatment of Incontinence
According to the manufacturer, PF TonerPro generates a strong magnetic field that stimulates nerve cells, muscles and blood vessels for a comfortable treatment that strengthens the muscles related to incontinence. With a typical treatment regimen of 20 to 30 minutes, once weekly for 8 to 12 weeks, PF TonerPro can help patients conveniently reverse the clock on incontinence.
Bernhard Schöensee, MD, a urologist in Berlin, Germany, who has been using the device in his practice, Urologie Berlin Adlershof, explained that the PF TonerPro helps stimulate the entire pelvic floor area and supports the restoration of neuromuscular control. “With PF TonerPro, magnetic energy induces a current into the cells to generate deep and intense contractions of the pelvic floor muscles. My patients reported improvements in incontinence disorders, sexual sensation and erection issues,” he shared.
According to Dr. Schöensee, pelvic floor muscles are subjected to thousands of supramaximal contractions for a comprehensive therapy of the target area. PF TonerPro stands out from other devices due to its detachable handpiece that fits into the therapy cushion or chair in one position for deeply penetrating static treatment or complementary dynamic treatments. This effectively impacts involuntary loss of urine with a method that uses no consumables or disposables, while patients remain fully clothed and relaxed.
“Focused electromagnetic pulses go deep into the complex muscle network of the pelvic floor and lower back,” Dr. Schöensee clarified. “Muscle contractions in quick succession make the muscles stronger, effectively tightening the pelvic floor. This provides better support for the internal organs and strengthens their performance. Treatment with PF TonerPro alleviates various forms of incontinence such as bladder weakness, overactive and irritable bladder and strengthens the lower back. It can also help patients avoid more aggressive treatments or surgeries to restore continence.”
Dr. Schöensee reported that he uses the device to treat other patient concerns, as well. “PF TonerPro is a very good treatment for patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). It can also improve sexual sensation for both women and men by stimulating nerve pathways and blood circulation in the treatment area.”
“We also treat patients with erectile dysfunction,” Dr. Schöensee continued. “By strengthening the pelvic and lower back muscles, erectile function can be improved and may partially replace drug therapy options. We often see this as a side effect in men that we treat for urge or stress incontinence. We may recommend PF TonerPro as a stand-alone therapy for men with erectile dysfunction or in combination with extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) as a non-invasive treatment option.” Offering functionality and diversity, PF TonerPro may be the ideal platform to help modern aesthetic practices expand their treatment portfolios and patient demographics.