Your ideal patient
- Has the ability to have a meaningful conversation with you about their needs,
wants and desires. - Has a basic understanding of procedures, products and trends.
- And, most importantly, has realistic expectations for outcomes.
We're here to help you keep your patients in the know.
What it is
If you subscribe to CST, then you receive this consumer-patient magazine quarterly. We send it to you as reading material for your patient waiting room area.
The content is developed by an editorial team with cosmetic surgery and dermatology expertise who works in conjunction with an astute editorial advisory board to address topics of interest to your patients.
What this means for you
- Informed and educated patients
- Patients with realistic expectations
- Positive, lasting relationships with your patients
- Happy patient, happy doctor!
Want more than just one copy of our waiting room companion to Cosmetic Surgery Times? Click here to subscribe.