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Study: Abdominoplasty, hysterectomy combo safe

Article-Study: Abdominoplasty, hysterectomy combo safe

San Diego — Combining abdominoplasty with hysterectomy is safe and effective, according to a poster presentation at the annual clinical meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Investigators from Florida International University, Miami, analyzed 65 patients with a mean age of 46 who underwent combined abdominoplasty and hysterectomy between 1995 and 2011, HealthDay News reports. Procedure duration, length of hospital stay and complications were assessed.

Researchers determined the average time of surgery was 210 minutes and the average hospital stay was 3.8 days. There was a 32 percent overall complication rate, which included transfusion, fever, urinary tract infection, atelectasis and wound complications. There were no major complications reported.

"In this the largest case series to date, the results suggest that combined abdominoplasty and hysterectomy is a safe (and) effective way to help patients attain both cosmetic and medically important outcomes in the same surgical procedure," the authors wrote.

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