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Letter to the Editor

Article-Letter to the Editor

Key iconKey Points

  • Physicians who perform cosmetic surgery come from a variety of surgical training programs
  • No one surgical specialty lays claim to the field of cosmetic surgery

In your latest issue of Cosmetic Surgery Times , we yet again have to endure another article regarding cosmetic surgery competency. I am just curious how many times we have listen to same old song and dance in regards to who is "qualified" to perform cosmetic surgery.

I would think by the year 2007, most of us understand that physicians who perform cosmetic surgery come from a variety of surgical training programs. Most also understand that no one surgical specialty lays claim to the field of cosmetic surgery.

With that in mind, shouldn't our focus be on each surgeon's individual cosmetic competency rather than what surgical specialty they lay claim to? I believe if we as physicians would do less finger pointing and worry more about becoming better surgeons, the patients themselves would benefit in the end.

Thanks for your time.

Corwin Martin, M.D., D.D.S.
Scottsdale, Arizona

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