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FDA approves Thermage (R) technology for off-face use

Article-FDA approves Thermage (R) technology for off-face use

Hayward, Calif. — The Food and Drug Administration has given clearance to Thermage® Inc. to use its technology for treating wrinkles on parts of the body other than the face.

Officials of Hayward-based Thermage say the company is developing treatment protocols for various off-face procedures. Now that FDA clearance has come, said the officials, Thermage will unveil a new brand, “Body by Thermage,” for its off-face procedures and that the company aims to eventually use its technology to treat the abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks, legs and hands.

Thermage capacitive radio frequency (CRF) technology is a non-invasive aesthetic procedure used to tighten, contour and rejuvenate skin.

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