Cosmetic surgery numbers up in BrazilCosmetic surgery numbers up in Brazil
The number of cosmetic surgeries in the United States is up, but according to one international news source, Brazil has claimed the right to be called the new cosmetic surgery capital of the world.
August 12, 2014

Despite growing numbers of cosmetic surgery procedures reported last year in the United States by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), according to one international news source, Brazil has claimed the right to be called the new cosmetic surgery capital of the world.
Quoting Brazilian newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo, the Global Post says Brazil performed around 40,000 cosmetic surgery procedures more than those performed in the US last year. Why the increase? Two reasons, says the news source: credible Brazilian surgeons and flexible credit programs that make it possible for more people to afford procedures. The most popular procedures in Brazil include liposuction and breast implants, with growing numbers reported for facial and nose procedures.
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According to ASAPS 2013 statistics, liposuction and breast augmentation were the first- and second-most performed surgical procedures in the US, with buttock augmentation and labiaplasty credited for the most significant increase in cosmetic surgery procedures of 2013. With reports that implants may be on the decline and a changing focus from treating the “old” patient to the younger patient who values prevention, only time will tell where the rankings will fall next year.
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