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Industry Wants More Proof That Breast Implants Make Women Sick

Article-Industry Wants More Proof That Breast Implants Make Women Sick

Breast Implant Illness
As GPB’s Ellen Eldridge reports, while some would like to see a greater acknowledgement that breast implants might make women sick, the plastic surgery industry wants more proof.

As GPB’s Ellen Eldridge reports, while some would like to see a greater acknowledgement that breast implants might make women sick, the plastic surgery industry wants more proof.

The U. S. Food and Drug Administration says breast implants now must carry warning labels on their packaging. That’s because it's known they can cause cancer.

The new warning labels also hint at other ailments. For decades, women have complained of things such as joint pain, muscle aches, chronic fatigue and even cognitive issues which they believe are tied to their breast implants.

Robyn Towt is a three-time cancer survivor who agreed to silicone breast implants after a double mastectomy.  

"They make it sound easy like, 'We're just gonna give you a beautiful new set of breasts and you can go on your merry way,'" she said. "I was told they were perfectly safe."


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