Cellfina results last 3 yearsCellfina results last 3 years
Dermatologist Deanne Robinson, M.D., reveals 3-year data from the multicenter Cellfina trial.
June 8, 2016

In a short amount of time Cellfina (Ulthera) has become the gold standard for the release of cellulite dimples given its mechanism of action, safety data and patient satisfaction. It is the “go-to†tool that delivers lasting results for the treatment of cellulite, according to Norwalk, Conn.-based dermatologist Deanne Robinson, M.D., who is a clinical instructor of dermatology at Yale New Haven Hospital. Dr. Robinson presented as-yet unpublished data yesterday from the Cellfina multicenter study looking at the safety and effectiveness of a new precision release procedure to treat cellulite yesterday during the Vegas Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology 2016 meeting in Las Vegas.
Cellfina, Dr. Robinson explains, is based on the concept of manual subcision. However, the device differs from manual subsicion by providing a precise, consistent and reproducible method to release the fibrous septae, which are the etiology of cellulite dimples.
“Cellfina accomplishes this via a vacuum-assisted tissue stabilized-guided subcision (TS-GS) platform, which allows for precise capture and release of the cellulite dimple,†Dr. Robinson tells Cosmetic Surgery Times. “Cellfina is a non-energy-based device, so it differs from all other ‘cellulite treatment’ devices on the market. It can be used on all skin-types without resulting in dyspigmentation or lasting hemosiderosis.â€
The effect is long-lasting, Dr. Robinson says — longer than any other device on the market.
“It is currently FDA cleared for the long-term improvement in the appearance of cellulite on the buttocks and thighs for up to two years,†she says.
Study Results
Dr. Robinson presented the three-year data collected from the multicenter pivotal trial, on which she was an investigator. Two-year data was published in March 2015 in Dermatologic Surgery. But the three-year data has not yet been published.
Key findings, according to Dr. Robinson, are:
The multicenter study demonstrated a single treatment with the novel controlled tissue release system improved the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks for at least three years with minimal adverse effects.
Cellulite severity, based on a five-point validated cellulite severity scale was reduced by an average of two points at three years.
Patient satisfaction is 93% at three years.
Masked assessment is 97% for three years.
Patients with noticeable GAIS (Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale) improvement is 100% at three years.
“Essentially, the study illustrated that a single 45-minute procedure resulted in marked and lasting results for the improvement of cellulite for up to 3 years with great patient satisfaction,†Dr. Robinson said.
Disclosure: Dr. Robinson was an investigator in the pivotal trial, which was sponsored by Ulthera. She is a speaker for Merz/Ulthera and serves on the Cellfina Advisory Board.
Kaminer MS, Coleman WP 3rd, Weiss RA, Robinson DM, Coleman WP 4th, Hornfeldt C. Multicenter pivotal study of vacuum-assisted precise tissue release for the treatment of cellulite. Dermatol Surg. 2015 Mar;41(3):336-47.