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Ask the Doctor: Cosmeceuticals

Article-Ask the Doctor: Cosmeceuticals

Q: What are cosmeceuticals? Do they work better than over-the-counter products?a: Cosmeceuticals are products intended to have a cosmetic effect, but that also have a medical-grade composition with the intent of helping to resolve a particular problem. For example, many products in our office and on our Web site can improve things like brown spots on the face and wrinkles, or can help to grow longer eyelashes. Most of these products have ingredients that, in higher concentrations or in slightly different forms, would need to be sold by prescription. As for whether they work better, it all depends on what the product does. For example, a cleanser may not work any better than a store-bought product, but the cosmeceutical's formula may be a little more pleasant. In the end, it simply comes down to personal preference.

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