Why MiXto laser’s variability makes it a great addition to my practiceWhy MiXto laser’s variability makes it a great addition to my practice

Sponsored by Lasering USA Needing a low downtime laser for resurfacing, we began to explore various devices and modalities. We soon learned about the MiXto from Lasering USA (San Ramon, Calif.) from our affiliate in Denver, Colo. After doing research, we found it had some unique and valuable features, including a spot size of 180 μm (along with the standard 300 μm spot) and a patented scan pattern, along with no disposable costs.

July 6, 2020

3 Min Read
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Robert F. Jackson, MD, FACS, FAACS

Needing a low downtime laser for resurfacing, we began to explore various devices and modalities. We soon learned about the MiXto from Lasering USA (San Ramon, Calif.) from our affiliate in Denver, Colo. After doing research, we found it had some unique and valuable features, including a spot size of 180 μm (along with the standard 300 μm spot) and a patented scan pattern, along with no disposable costs.

Having two different spot sizes allows for a wide range of cosmetic treatments from superficial fine lines to deep wrinkles and acne scarring. And while we purchased the MiXto mainly for the ablative fractional resurfacing capabilities, we have found the V-Lase vaginal therapy and incontinence treatment modalities to be a very useful tool in our practice.

For skin rejuvenation the MiXto is our workhorse. The fractional CO2 handpiece allows us to provide superficial and deep skin resurfacing with consistently good results. Often, we will either simultaneously or separately use a filler that is a collagen enhancer such as Sculptra (Galderma) or Radiesse (Merz Aesthetics). This combination restores volume and provides skin rejuvenation by reversing the appearance of aging via tightening and improvement of the effects of sun damage.

We have also found the MiXto to be effective in enhancing our blepharoplasty procedures. Using the fractional laser on the lower eyelid after transconjuctival blepharoplasty is now routine practice in our office.

For vaginal therapy, V-Lase provides a treatment that many of our patients were already seeking. Though we have some patients seeking surgical vaginal rejuvenation, we find more wanting a non-invasive, nonsurgical correction.

The V-Lase is a wonderful tool to accomplish tightening of the vaginal walls, thickening of the vaginal mucosa, increased vaginal moisture and pH balance. It will help strengthen the pelvic floor, which improves symptoms of stress incontinence. All of this can help provide better sensation during intercourse and some authors feel there is a neurogenesis that occurs that improves Gspot sensitivity. Overall, we have had very good patient response.

The V-Lase does not require topical anesthesia and none of our patients have experienced any significant discomfort during the procedure. The probe and the insertion ring are steam sterilizable, hence no consumables. And, the large 10 mm spot allows for a novel non-ablative treatment with no post-op downtime or side effects.

I’d also like to give some kudos to Lasering USA. Twice we have had a malfunction. Once due to the fact that we had one of the earlier models and the cooling tube malfunctioned. The company sent us a new laser to use while they repaired ours. The second time we had a focus problem, so the beam wasn’t traveling through the mirrors correctly. We unsuccessfully attempted to get it fixed locally. We called Cris Skinner, the senior vice president of Lasering USA, who flew out and in 30 minutes we were back in business. Word to the wise, let Lasering USA take care of you – they will.



About the author


Robert F. Jackson, MD, FACS, FAACS
Dr. Jackson has over 35 years of extensive cosmetic surgery experience. He is board certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery where he was past president and served three years as treasurer. He is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS). Dr. Jackson has published many articles in national and international medical journals as well as various textbooks. He has routinely been invited to speak at conferences in both the U.S. and internationally. Dr. Jackson recently received the Golden Scalpel award from the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery.

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