Medical Spa Success with Dual-Wavelength Laser TechnologyMedical Spa Success with Dual-Wavelength Laser Technology
Sponsored By Advalight; For a device to thrive in a medical spa setting, it must meet a specific set of requirements. These requirements include the ability to be utilized safely by trained personnel with minimal medical supervision, provide real results, appeal to existing and potential patients, and be cost effective to operate. While this ideal may be adjusted by regional governmental regulation, it is essentially the same across the board.
October 17, 2023

Sponsored by Advalight
For a device to thrive in a medical spa setting, it must meet a specific set of requirements. These requirements include the ability to be utilized safely by trained personnel with minimal medical supervision, provide real results, appeal to existing and potential patients, and be cost effective to operate. While this ideal may be adjusted by regional governmental regulation, it is essentially the same across the board. The best devices meet all these requirements but also maximize safety and efficacy.
One device – the dual-wavelength ADVATx laser system from Advalight (Copenhagen, Denmark) – prides itself on meeting these requirements. For Morgan Puckett, RN, who owns Fyre Aesthetics in Helena, Mont., ADVATx was the first major device she acquired and she relies on the platform to bring in patients and profits. “With 25 FDA/CE-cleared indications, it gives me incredible versatility,” she explained. “I can treat virtually any patient of any age with skin issues, from gentle to more aggressive treatments, whatever fits their needs. I have access to medical grade skincare, but ADVATx takes us to that next level of capability.”
ADVATx features the 1319 nm and 589 nm wavelengths, individually or concurrently (via proprietary PulSync Technology). Their 1319 nm wavelength is a known mainstay for thermally generated dermal collagen remodeling, with water as its chromophore. The 589 nm, or yellow, wavelength is well established as the gold standard for vascular lesions and has recently been shown to reduce porphyrins.* This can, in turn, reduce inflammation, thus presenting the potential to impact a variety of inflammatory skin indications. Together they present a complementary and versatile toolset in a single platform.
A typical patient experience – after a thorough consult with expert evaluation and treatment planning – involves a relatively comfortable treatment after a simple cleanse, modified slightly, if more aggressive treatment is called for. According to Ms. Puckett, treatment times range from a ten-minute spot treatment to 45 minutes for a full face. “Having no consumables is huge here. It allows us to treat freely without reducing return on investment, which has been great for us. Some months I am bringing in two to four times what I used to before ADVATx, which is so exciting that I am still not used to it.”
In her region, use of the device can be delegated to trained ancillary staff. “We worked with Reveal Lasers to add the ADVATx and the company has really partnered with us to make sure training is thorough,” she explained. “Our training included didactic as well as the handson, and the specialists they flew out left us comfortable and prepared.
“ ‘Seamless and simple,’ are the words I would use to describe working with Reveal to integrate the ADVATx into the practice,” she continued. “All other support has been outstanding as well, from sales and marketing to ways we can make the most of the device, and ways we can better manage our business. My account manager at Reveal is like family and has been there every step of the way.”
Simply put, adding ADVATx with Reveal has catapulted her practice forward in every way. “To me, ADVATx is like having another provider in the office that is an expert on skin and a magician with the results,” said Ms. Puckett.
*Data on file, Advalight (Copenhagen, Denmark)