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Where to Start When Moving, Renovating or Expanding

Article-Where to Start When Moving, Renovating or Expanding

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Embarking on a journey to renovate and expand your practice is both equally exciting and challenging. With this, the first question that would probably come to mind is: “Where do I begin?”. To help you with this, I have compiled some meaningful tips on how to go about it, what to expect, and how your personal vision can be realized in every aspect of this process.

Embarking on a journey to renovate and expand your practice is both equally exciting and challenging. With this, the first question that would probably come to mind is: “Where do I begin?”. To help you with this, I have compiled some meaningful tips on how to go about it, what to expect, and how your personal vision can be realized in every aspect of this process.

Set Your Goals

Goal setting is being positive for your future, hopeful of your prospects, and deliberate in your intentions. To clarify these goals is to set metrics and doable strategies to accomplish these objectives. Never lose sight of the goals for your practice because they will set the tone of your entire journey to medical spaces that best reflect the aspirations you have for yourself and your patients.

Select Your Team

Building a successful space means building with an equally successful team. Design professionals like interior designers and architects should be selected based on a specialized skill set and experience in the intricacies of patient psychology and the changing trends of the medical industry. Builders and consultants that have familiarity with the work at hand and are experienced in delivering projects on time, on-spec, and on budget are invaluable. Working with professionals that inspire trust and confidence ensures that you have a team that can and will deliver that high-performing space.

Strategize for Continuity

When renovating an existing medical pace, construction does not need to halt your operations for long periods of time. Consider the timing of work so it can reduce interruptions in your practice’s operations; or do improvements gradually in designated phases. Also, keep in mind that doing work while the office is closed or after hours can also produce progress while keeping daily operations continuous. 

About the Author

Mitra SilvaMitra Silva                Ms. Silva is the founder and CEO of Simour Design, a medical interior design firm. She has built a specialized team of designers that create intentional and transformational medical spaces for world-class clients. Simour Design specializes in plastic surgery centers, medical spas, and all areas of the medical field. Named by Ariana Huffington’s Thrive Global as an accomplished C-Suite executive, Ms. Silva designs for clients from Beverly Hills to New York City and everywhere in-between. For bonus tips and insights on practice design, visit

Spend Wisely

Consider that maximum impact, better-quality materials may be more expensive initially, but in most cases will save you money in the long run, so decide based on quality rather than price. Factor in costs that may not be overtly obvious, like installation costs or additional accessories required. Spending wisely is about making decisions that favor the long term rather than the short term. Think of spending in the context of investing in a more productive and profitable practice.

Sustain the Growth

To sustain is to maintain – momentum, that is. Upgrading your space is also about upgrading the overall level of care and service that you offer. The only way to really uplift the total experience is by combining the two together. Consistency is key to successfully realize your vision. The physical space you have is part of the overall brand you are creating for yourself.

Our goal is to empower you with knowledge on how to build or expand your space from start to finish. Building a medical space that best represents what you stand for is a great service to your current and future patients.


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