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Practice Costs That Will Surprise You

Article-Practice Costs That Will Surprise You

Practice Costs That Will Surprise You
Developing a world-class practice begins with manifesting your mission into your vision, enabling you to achieve clarity, and build with passion and purpose. Clarity strengthens your foundation, allowing you to realize your direction and apply a building process that is intentional. Let’s take a deeper look at some factors to consider when you are starting on your journey of designing your dream practice.  

Developing a world-class practice begins with manifesting your mission into your vision, enabling you to achieve clarity, and build with passion and purpose. Clarity strengthens your foundation, allowing you to realize your direction and apply a building process that is intentional. Let’s take a deeper look at some factors to consider when you are starting on your journey of designing your dream practice.  

1. Team

Collaborating with the right team of interior designers, consultants and contractors who have specific knowledge in the medical industry, like patient psychology and the latest technology, will go a long way in designing a high-performing space and helping you bring your vision to reality. This specific experience guarantees that you are working with people who are knowledgeable in space planning and design for medical aesthetic practices, which will help you save you a lot of time, money, stress and effort down the road.

2. Materials and Furniture

When it comes to materials and furniture, quality comes first. Consult your design team for a budget breakdown so you have a clear set of expectations before you get too deep into furniture. Be comprehensive and diligent about the full cost of a material or furniture and see the bigger picture. Costs upfront can hide less obvious fees like installation and other costs. Think long term and analyze how some furniture is maintained or will hold up to constant use.

3. Permits

The key to dealing with permits is to be realistic and talk with your builders about what permits are needed, how much they cost and how much contingency to allot as a buffer. Contingencies are important to insulate you from unforeseen surprises. This will allow you to stay focused on the more important aspects of building your medical space.

4. Construction Costs

Working within a budget is about being responsible for where resources are spent and making sure it will make the most impact to your vision. A closer scrutiny of the budget with your contractor is an opportunity to evaluate what could be done better, faster or more cost-effectively. Work some wiggle room into the construction budget so there’s room to amend or adjust. It is realistic, and it is better for your peace of mind. Nothing adds unnecessary stress like a budget that is so tight that any miscalculation can end up halting the entire project midway.

5. Technology

Technology is growing leaps and bounds, not just in healthcare devices and products, but in office administration. Take advantage of the available tech that you can use to optimize patient relations, data handling and workflow. Systematize processes that can be automated so you can work smarter. Believe me, patients will appreciate an efficient workplace and technology can help you towards that goal.
Building your practice is an investment in creating value for you and your patients. This information is meant to help you take a deeper look at the building process, understand where costs can go awry and where you can spend smarter. If you are clear about your goals, then your vision will be carried through to reality.


About the Author

Mitra Silva

Mitra SilvaMs. Silva is the founder and CEO of Simour Design, a medical interior design firm. She built a specialized team of designers that create intentional and transformational medical spaces for world-class clients. Simour Design specializes in plastic surgery centers, medical spas and all areas of the medical field. Named by Ariana Huffington’s Thrive Global as an accomplished C-Suite executive, Ms. Silva designs for clients from Beverly Hills to New York City and everywhere in-between. For bonus tips and insights on practice design, visit our website at 

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