It is summertime, and with pandemic fears easing aesthetic patients want to hit the beach with newly sculped physiques. This edition of Hot Products features all that is new and exciting in body sculpting and contouring, from a medically-supervised weight loss program to devices that smooth cellulite and improve muscle tone, and technologies that eliminate fat while building muscle. Likewise, less mask wearing puts the focus on the face, so the product lineup also includes new thread technologies, microneedling, as well as laser devices that promise to lift and tighten. And, discover the tools and products that improve outcomes and patient satisfaction, from better cannulas to a post-procedure makeup protocol. Last but not least, learn more about practice management platforms that improve and automate your patients’ aesthetic journies. And don’t forget, you can get a hands-on experience with many of these products at The Aesthetic Show 2021 (July 8-11; Las Vegas, NV) and/or Miami Cosmetic Surgery 2021 (August 25-28; Miami Beach, FL).
Hot Products in 2021
Article-Hot Products in 2021
It is summertime, and with pandemic fears easing aesthetic patients want to hit the beach with newly sculped physiques. This edition of Hot Products features all that is new and exciting in body sculpting and contouring, from a medically-supervised weight loss program to devices that smooth cellulite and improve muscle tone, and technologies that eliminate fat while building muscle.
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